How To Pray Istikhara - With Steps, Istikhara Dua, Results, and Frequently Asked Questions About Istikhara Ki Dua


Istikhara ki dua is a profound and authentic supplication offered by Muslims when facing life decisions or uncertainties. This short but powerful prayer, known as "dua e istikhara," is a means of seeking guidance and blessings from Allah. When confronted with a crucial choice, especially in matters like marriage, seeking divine counsel through istikhara becomes essential. 


dua  istikhara

dua e istikhara

Dua e Istikhara with urdu translation

dua e istikhara


Short Istikhara Dua (English Translation)

If you don't have time for prayer or you don't remember the long Istikhara prayer and your case requires a quick decision, the hadith also mentions a short prayer.

It is in Tirmidhi Sharif that when Prophet Muhammad PBUH intends to do something, he recites this short prayer mentioned in the image shared below.

Istikhara Dua

Allâhumma inni astakhiruka bi ilmika wa astaqdiruka biqudratika wa as’aluka min fadlikal-azimi, fa innaka taqdiru walâ aqdiru wa ta’lamu walâ a’lamu wa anta allamul ghuyubi. Allâhumma in kunta ta’lamu anna hâdhal amra khayrun li fi dini wa ma-ashi wa aqibati amri faqdir-hu li wa yassir-hu li thumma barik li fihi wa in kunta ta’lamu anna hâdhal amra sharrun li fi dini wa maâshi wa aqibati amri fasrifhu anni wasrifni anhu waqdir liyal-khayra haythu kâna thumma ardini bihi.

“O’ Allah, I’m seeking your counsel through Your [Infinite] Knowledge, and I’m asking You for strength through Your Divine Ability, and I’m asking You from Your Infinite Grace. Because You’re completely able to do, while I simply cannot. You know everything, and I do not, and You are the Knower of the unseen. O’ Allah, if You know that this affair [mention decision or dua here] is good for me in my religion, my life, and afterlife, then decree it for me, facilitate it with ease, and bless me through it. But, if You know that this affair is bad for me in my religion, my life, and afterlife, then keep it away from me and keep me away from it and decree what’s better for me, whatever it may be, and 
make me content with it.” [Sahih Al-Bukhari]

dua  istikhara

                                          استخارہ  سے پہلے اہم نکات پر غور کریں۔

A استخارہ کا مطلب یہ ہے کہ آدمی کے لیے ہر جایز کام یا اپنے حق میں کسی ایک کا فیصلہ نہیں کرنا چاہا تو ایسی صورت میں اللہ سے خیر والے کام کی دعا کرنا استخارہ کہلاتا ہے ۔

B. استخارہ میں خواب کا آنا ضروری نہیں بلکے کسی ایک جانب دل کا مائل ہو جانا کافی ہے، اگر ایک مرتبہ استخار سے کسی ایک جانب دل مائل نہ ہو سے استخارہ تین (3)، پانچ (5) یا سات (7) کیا جائے، کسی ایک جانب دل میل ہو جائے گا انشاء اللہ۔
                                                        استخارہ مسنون طریقہ اردو میں:

1. استخارہ کے لیے نفلی نماز کی دو رکعتیں ادا کریں اور استخارہ کے لیے معروف دعا (اوپر شیئر کی گئی) پڑھیں، اور پھر اس معاملے میں اللہ سے رہنمائی طلب کریں۔

2. استخارہ کی نماز پڑھنے کا کوئی وقت مقرر نہیں ہے۔ ناپسندیدہ اوقات کے علاوہ استخارہ کی نماز کسی بھی وقت ادا کی جا سکتی ہے۔

 آپ کو طویل استخارہ دعا یاد نہیں ہے اور آپ کا معاملہ فوری فیصلہ کا متقاضی ہے تو حدیث میں مختصر دعا کا بھی ذکر ہے۔

ترمذی شریف میں ہے کہ جب حضرت محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کسی کام کا ارادہ کرتے ہیں تو بیان کردہ یہ مختصر دعا پڑھتے ہیں۔

The process of istikhara involves performing two Rak'ahs of optional prayer, followed by reciting the dua e istikhara. This prayer encompasses words that beseech Allah's guidance, wisdom, and blessings. It is an expression of trust in His divine plan and a desire for the best outcome in our endeavors.

For those seeking convenience, there's even the option of online istikhara. In today's digital age, technology allows for istikhara services to be accessed online, making it accessible to a wider audience. This can be especially helpful for individuals who may not have access to a physical mosque or an Islamic scholar.Whether performed traditionally or online, the essence of istikhara remains the same – a heartfelt plea for clarity and direction. It's important to remember that istikhara is not about expecting immediate signs or visions; rather, it's about cultivating patience and faith in Allah's wisdom. Trusting that Allah knows what is best for us and will guide us accordingly is the cornerstone of istikhara.

So, whether you're standing at a crossroads in life or contemplating a major decision like marriage, istikhara ki dua is your personal connection to the divine. This unique supplication, deeply embedded in Islamic tradition, offers a simple yet profound method to seek guidance, protection, and blessings from Allah, fostering a sense of authenticity and assurance in every step you take.

A. Istikharah means that we have permitted deeds for a person or if we do not want to decide on one of them in our favor, then praying to Allah for a good deed in such a surah is called Istikharah.

B. It is not necessary to have a dream in Istikhara, but it is enough for the heart to match on one side. Yes, one of the parties will be reconciled, God willing.

Istikhara Masnoon Method in English:

1. Perform two rak'ahs of Nafil prayer for Istikhara and recite the well-known istikhara ki dua for Istikhara (shared above), and then seek Allah's guidance in this matter.

2. There is no fixed time for performing the Istikhara prayer. Istikhara prayer can be offered at any time except during undesirable times.

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At what time should I pray the Istikhara?
Since there is no set time for istikhara, it can be done whenever someone feels it is required. Any of the standard Sunnah prayers may be offered with the goal of Istikhara, as was previously stated.

Can I do istikhara several times for the same choice?
Yes, you may keep reciting Istikhara until you are content with the decision you have made.

Can the Istikhara Dua be spoken without the two rak'at prayers?
Yes. Even though the Prophet of Allah (PBUH) recommended praying the two rak'at, making only the dua in a time crunch or in emergency situations would be adequate.
I Have Faith in My Choice. Istikhara, may I still pray?
Yes. This is a healthy habit because it assures that the path of action you have selected is not harmful to you and welcomes Allah's blessings in it.

Does istikhara dua have to be in Arabic?
The definitive guide to Istikharai Dua and Istikharai Prayer
Istikhara Dua in Arabic and English

This dua is said in both Arabic and English. (Or whichever language you feel most at ease with). Read it from a piece of paper or your phone if you don't already know it by heart. Insha'Allah, Allah is aware of everyone of His slaves' dua.

Istikhara is possible without sleep?
Though it is not required, it is recommended to say the istikhara dua before bed. As with other duas, facing the qibla is advised. It is advised to start the istikhara dua with praise of Allah, blessings for the Prophet (PBUH), and to conclude it in the same way.

What are the Istikhara rules?
Istikhara prayer procedures

Like other Sunnah prayers, the Istikhara prayer is offered in two raka'at. The second step is to offer the Takbir (Takbiratul-Ihram) and pray for two raka'ats. Invoke Allah (swt) with the adb of making a dua after concluding the prayer with the salam. Oh Allah

Is there a Surah I may read for Istikhara?
Any surah may be read while offering salat al-istikhara. Reading Surah Al-Kafirun in the first Rakat and Surah Al-Ikhlas in the second is Mustahab. In order to cultivate humility and sincerity in one's desire in front of Allah, the Almighty, reciting these surahs is more fitting.

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